And the Winner is...

I'm sad to see this contest come to an end. Checking my email has been a daily delight, an encouragement and a reminder of the power of dreaming. Dreams are healing. They offer hope and strength when life doesn't go as planned. They provide much needed whimsy when life is a bit too serious. And they fill our hearts with an excitement for all that's to come. My heart is very full of dreams today!

Thank you for sharing your dreams with me. I read words about living on the coast of the Mediterranean, returning to the lands your ancestors came from, giving back to this world and so much more.

Choosing just one winner was tough; I really wanted to pick everyone. But, Shannon Leber, you're the winner!

Shannon is a wife, mother to four and on a mission to discover the simple life. Our paths crossed this summer when she was on a summer long road trip with her children exploring the United States and searching for the simple life. I admired her from the moment I met her.

Here is her dream: “My biggest dream right now is to continue my mission of living simply by teaching my kids true simplicity through a family service trip to Africa.”

And the winner for the bonus entry is Anne Miller. Anne get's to choose her favorite item from my gift basket.

Thank you again for participating and helping me celebrate one of my own dreams!



Shannon with two of her daughters, also big dreamers, while visiting Montana on their cross country adventure.


A Look Back: Adventures in 2013


My Favorite Things: What I Can't Live Without and a Giveaway